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tv   One Nation With Brian Kilmeade  FOX News  June 4, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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[laughter] >> at a nursing home. >> maybe that would help the lori lightfoot. >> great to be with you, that doesn't for us today. we will see you back here tomorrow 7:00 p.m. eastern for the big weekend show. one nation with brian kilmeade starts right now. are you pumped up? tonight, jonathan turley and the dancing for the guy, you're going to love as we do ... out. first, i want to give you perspective. the week with the heavyweight champions, possible champions for two championship contenders. republican heavyweight they came out swinging. >> you need to ensure we have a two-term president to see this
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to a conclusion. you do one term and they reverse it when they come in, you can't have it be reversed. you got to have the ability. he can't be prideful, can't be just about you. >> desantis saying i get eight years, he get four. you don't need for and you don't need, you need six months. within six months -- [applause] >> the fact that he had the third most deaths of any state having to do with the china virus or covid, even cuomo did better, he was number four. >> his whole family moved to florida under mike governorship. are you kidding me? >> so petty, so juvenile. i don't think that's what voters want and honestly, his conduct with what he's doing for years now, i think it's one reason he's not in the white house now, he alienated too many voters for things that really don't matter. >> you could say that and while many people hear this, they
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might say this is so bad for the party. it might be great for the other party. the gop is playing right into the hands of the democrats. i got to strongly disagree because i remember recent history and long-ago history because the best primary candidates in the past are usually those who have primary fights, tough ones so relax, fellow americans, this is not the first time for high profile candidates came out during at each other. bush mccain. remember w john mccain exchange blows? >> you should be ashamed. you should be ashamed. >> that man there who attacked -- >> let me finish. >> that man wasn't speaking for me. let me finish, please. >> is listed -- >> let me finish. you didn't call this ad. a man's windshield yesterday,
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the question -- this is an attack piece. >> paid for by john mccain. [laughter] >> that's will, how about when hillary clinton and this guy senator barack obama went head-to-head. >> international experience. >> i haven't been to washington enough. >> claiming basically the entire eight years of the clinton presidency is wrong except for the stuff that didn't work out. >> we can't forget about the spine that took place between our current president and vice president. >> you also worked with them to oppose buzzing. >> my position across the board, i did not praise them. >> do you agree today you were wrong to oppose buzzing in america?
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do you agree? >> i did not oppose buzzing in america. what i opposed was busing ordered by the department of education. that's what i opposed. >> i was part of the second half to enter the california public schools, almost two decades after the board of education. >> because your city council made that decision. >> you know how that ended. each of these had a winner and now went on to be president. steel as i have always said, sharpened steel but i've said it since so don't worry because the mass of on the left is turning out duller than expected. >> mr. president how is your reelection campaign have not seen you on the campaign trail get a campaign rally -- [inaudible] >> the next day he would fall, literally. buckle up and get ready for an expected 15 round out because i'm expecting another thriller, 114 seems to have lasted a week in a lifetime. joining me now, a man who lived
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a lot of what i showed you, white house former deputy white house chief of staff karl rove, great to see you. you think that was a poor trip down memory lane? >> i think you are right. primaries can hurt parties if they become bitter and divisive but people expect, they want to see how you handle controversy you will see and a general election and anybody who thinks you will go to general election will not trade blows, they are kidding themselves. >> the other side is driving down. george w. bush would be a two-term president, seems the movement that blows coming to the general, or capitalizes on that, it will happen again. >> but look, it's hard for a lot of these things that go on to primaries, they are looking for the opposition party, for example with desantis hitting trump the will and issue the
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biden is going to take on, no matter who wins but the main thing is we learn a lot about the candidate but how we see them trade blows, we get a sense of the process and their inner strength. we decide whether we like them or not. it is a helpful process and can go overboard, don't get me wro wrong. 1980 primary between jimmy carter and ted kennedy for example, left some real scars but this is what we expect from politicians and by and large, it helps us better understand to come to a decision. >> i'll focus on this because desantis got in this week and can during them at each other. trump goes after ron on not getting eight years, he sank six months and showed anger at the president trump says you should never show anger at the press. they won't be second for too
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much longer. desantis hit trump, drain the swamp, he should have fired fauci. republican moved too far left so these other things going back and forth. your thoughts? >> my personal favorite was -- one was the race by former president trump of andrew cuomo. andrew cuomo did better on covid than florida because he was the fourth largest number of deaths in the country in florida was number three. florida is the most populous state in the union and new york is the fourth most populous state in the union. texas same california first and it was exactly that. number one number of deaths with california, number two texas. number four new york so what were the points other than you decided andrew cuomo was the example of what we should have done as a country when they had the exchange on eight years or four years and trump says six
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months, desantis basically said why didn't you get it done in six months? you had for years. the wall still isn't built so highly entertaining, i'm not sure how illuminating it is but it's entertaining. >> i don't think you can touch them on the wall, the defense spending to do it and paul ryan's house getting 1.8 billion when they needed ten so there's a lot more to it and we will see what happens with voters. trump with a big lead in the general and in iowa and new hampshire. when the first polls come out with desantis officially in the race, what's for kat going to look like? >> first of all, it doesn't matter what they look like now. for example, iowa, interesting piece, he interviewed the i will call that's been pretty good and she pointed out the last three
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republican contests, three out of the last four republican contest, the ultimate winner was single bidders in october, november because they make up their minds it's interesting to see movement, see if the numbers tighten but the key thing is how strong an organization you have, iowa, new hampshire, south carolina and second the debate stage. today we can be pretty well guaranteed to get to things, a certain percentage in national polls and roughly it sounds like they will require $40000, trump will be on the debate stage and desantis will be there in all likelihood, i think haley and scott also. then we got some challenge candidate. is hutchinson going to get $40000? vivid going to get 40000? we don't know and then three are going to enter this week, i
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suspect you will be able to meet those targets. the interesting one is doug from north dakota. a lot of personal wealth so he will not lack for money but north dakota is a very big state so is he going to be be able to develop $40000 by the time they get into the august debate stage? this is why it's so interesting because i think this will depend to a large degree how well you do on something you don't get a lot of numbers on building an organization and how well you do in debates and the presentations in the early primary states where will get first-hand experience with the base and a lot of information how the candidates are messaging in the early states. >> i think it seems to be the best trump team so far and i thought he did well with sean hannity, very composed and comfortable with himself. self-deprecating for the first time as a candidate when he talked about how slowly went down the ramp. i thought he's just having fun.
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>> susie wells and john are pros, trump is wise to have gotten them before. we'll see how long they last. >> i've heard. thanks so much. let's talk on the another major issue this week and kickoff an oldie but a goodie. former fbi director, james comey. >> it's really unfortunate the notion the fbi is leftist kabul against the republicans. it shows you how crazy our times are. it will be fine long run, donald trump and eventually it will break but it's become a nutty article of faith fbi is out to get republicans. >> he's totally not self-aware. he's a new novel no one but by using the book to make money off a career nobody wants to emulate. he's tall, i'll give him that. the nation's former top cop
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trashing the former republican party, he claims to be one. he's out preaching about the purity of the fbi in confirming the bureaus antirepublican bias by trashing trump at the same time and the party as a whole. with us to put it in perspective, fox news contributor, jonathan turley. great to see you again. your thoughts about him republicans are delusional? >> an amazing interview because they mentioned all of the alleged violations of rule of law except only those like intervening and not mentioning the valleys. comey was removed from the fbi, accused and found to remove fbi material and accused of leaking information to the media through a friend but throughout the process, he oversaw an investigation that shredded my special counsel is not having
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evidence to have ever gotten started according to the fbi but putting all of that aside, we have rogues gallery fbi officials who were fired or discredited. people like andrew mccabe close associate, peter strzok, lisa page, kevin finds pled guilty. false information to the secret court and then there is comey himself. he was still peddling the false hotel tape allegation that came out of the clinton campaign. this was long after it was discredited but still out there throwing red meat to the audience and that could be true. it was discredited early in the process. >> think about this, he knows barack obama was briefed about
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clinton's decision to say somehow donald trump was colluding with vladimir putin in russia yet he pursued an investigation and feigned curiosity. he wanted examples of right-wing bias, and i right-wing within the fbi. what about the hunter investigation that never started in the beginning and continues in perpetuity now? no other conclusion. the parents in school board, they come out for change which is more public and issue. the fbi was investigating overseeing twitter. they come down any left-wing groups, all right-wing they were clamping down on and peter strzok having a plan to stop trump telling lisa page that in a text. how does he not see that? >> of course he does see that but he's going around teaching what he calls ethical dealership which is mind blowing.
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the russian scandal will go down as one of the great political hoaxes in history. it was manufactured through the clinton campaign. they denied think the steel dossier but the fbi was told about the funding, they just didn't tell the court. they were told the dossier might be the source of russian disinformation and didn't care. >> i watched him stand up and being held as a hero to help take down trump because he overheard a call in which trump he claimed was playing politics with ukraine but i'm looking at the whistleblowers, i'm truly concerned what happened to him. gary with the irs for the never ending investigation into the biden taxes. he came forward and look what happened to him. you have lost, he's in cyprus falsely accused of some type of charge. he came forward about a bias he saw the fbi whistleblower and marcus allen and steve friede,
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their lives and careers put on hold because they came forward with what they saw happening in bias that took place for the biden's and protection for the biden's. where are the whistleblower protection for these men? >> these are chilling examples. i've represented whistleblowers. i testified in front of the committee and i encouraged them to look at the mccarthy. and for democrats to not replicate that, not make the red scare the blue. saying they were apologists for interactionism, they doubted whether they were true journalists, the ranking member suggested a journalist arrested. it is a scary time on capitol
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hill. >> thousands of other biden pictures were put out by a group and put on websites, the cards were blurred out but it was on the laptop the fbi and intelligence said wasn't hunter biden's. now we know for sure it was. at the same time, the repair shop owner was deposed by seven hours by hunter biden's attorneys about a laptop they still haven't claimed is theirs. how significant is this time we are in? how surreal is it for you? >> it is surreal. i did a piece a while ago about a meeting held by hunters leading supporters and lawyers and the washington post was told they are going to unleash a campaign on potential witnesses. what is interesting is clearly more to that story to run, they were the ones who obviously leaked it and wanted witnesses, a small repair shop to know that they were coming after them and have seen the and ever since the
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article, they asked for critics to be investigated by the irs, they've suggested criminal charges against critics. this is now part of this strategy. >> more emphasis and scrutiny the white house doesn't need on a situation with hunter biden they want to go away. the questionable strategy if you asked me on the one getting pa paid. have a great weekend. >> thanks, brian. >> coming up, family is here she's joining us and no new story's psaki. the nation's biggest flocking to china. we will explain with our panel in just a moment.
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i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. welcome back, glad you're here. this story will disturb you if you are an american or like america. china going on foreign companies to invest more as the economy struggling to recover from the pandemic is trust in the world by willing to get hit by another variant right now. you unmask, the latest american leader to visit the country up to three years but why do other ceos is china's?
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asked cohost of the bottom line, they take no prisoners the editor-in-chief of the federalist, mollie hemingway. i'm seeing the gm ceo david, goldman sachs and blackstone, orval bloom and volkswagen and others, ceo of starbucks all going over to say what have you been doing? don't forget about me. where are they doing this? >> back to the cold war the soviet union, that was all hands on deck attempt to win against a formidable opponent in that we have we are in something of a cold war with china is taking a while for politicians to realize it and business leaders are not involved at all that's a big problem, hard to withstand negative things happening by china or out of china when his leaders are kowtowing to whatever they want.
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>> we weren't doing much trade with soviet union, filling out and giving grain. >> a little bit but not a ton. >> coexist with that, i want to make it clear, nobody has to necessarily win or lose, someone should tell china that. >> china is huge, they control -- critical minerals go into batteries and why are these business leaders going to china? forty years ago business leaders are patriots, they believe in america, if they saw an enemy that wouldn't invest in the country of our enemy, they love america but right now the philosophy changed. business leaders want to make them rich, their families rich, they don't care about america for their homeland. the workers in this country, future conflict we have with china, they don't care as long as they are wealthy and have a
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private jet. >> i opened up the show and talk about politics, if you think some candidates should say it's time to decouple from china and one on that? they still get donations? >> using back to 2015, decoupling from china was totally crazy. president trump getting people set around the situation we are dealing with with china so is something a lot of americans are comfortable with. we have a problem with corporate media in bed with china as well so they are on the wrong side, they get funding from chinese communist entities in newspapers like the washington post collapse from the chinese communist government affiliated things in the get money from so it will be hard to tell the truth what's going on. >> our duty jpmorgan chase to be the bridge between countries and cultures, good luck with that. be an american first. the one thing trending in this country making republicans feel
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good about the future is how many hispanics come into the camp messing with long-term plans and democrats so if latinos move from republicans, democrats, why not label them white supremacist? new yorker magazine article, rise of latino white supremacy, is that possible? she's like why haven't you told me this? the problem is you have a democrat party that says if you vote republican, he might be white supremacist. if you are a woman who votes for republican's usp buying into the patriarchy but if you believe in free enterprise and you don't like communism and big government and you like lower taxes, you are white supremacist. have looked around, i haven't seen one white supremacist. there's a bogeyman of white supremacy with which i don't think anyone can see.
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democrats used to talk about qanon, i've never read, met or seen anyone who's in qanon. >> at a time with increased racial bias, potential perpetrators and victims of a white supremacy is a white oxymoron. it explained. >> a complete temper tantrum from the left, they think they control hispanic voters and they realize they don't and in some cases they really don't, they lash out and they do what they only know to do which is called people racist and is ludicrous as it is, everyone should respond the same to the allocations. >> larry elder was the face of legitimacy and i'm sure they will do the same with tim scott. >> we spent months looking at clarence thomas. let's talk about notification, the u.s., average u.s. worker lacked 11 average vacation days,
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fewer than any other nation. is that healthy? >> i have a population that works hard, driven and they produce a lot and innovate a lot and thus the american history but if you look at the problems with families and children, you see kids are distraught, detached and parents have to spend time with children and maybe take a vacation, you can't afford to go somewhere awesome, go camping in your backyard if you don't take time off, you don't get time to family. >> vacation days on the table last year connect i resemble that we have a problem the seems of people working too much, you need to take vacation and time off and makes you better and few people are in the workforce so we need more. >> i wiped out hobbies and i love being home. >> great to see you. it took a while but you're finally not wearing a tie.
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>> and he's wearing jeans but that was supposed to be a secret. you can find out what john is wearing because you don't want to miss anything tonight especially the news dual because dance is involved the first, she isn't afraid to say was on her mind and she's made the comedy world be funny because of it, she's here, she's next. >> i'm sick of the internet. your member when the internet used to be the information superhighway? now just another place we have to dump a friend. that's it. we all have that one friend that apparently has no balls in the forward you every e-mail they've ever received. [laughter] ♪ you're so much more than just a landowner. ( ♪ ) you're a gardener. ( ♪ ) a groundskeeper. ( ♪ ) a landscaper. ( ♪ )
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i am jon scott. back to one nation with brian kilmeade. ♪ >> i have a neighbor i love she propped a scientific lost pets and i went to help her, it was burned. didn't have time to engage. unless you teacher to take a scroll, it's never coming back. [laughter] i'm already going crazy when i saw a sign because i'm walking my dog and a half turn in the
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bag, walking around and nonchalantly. every ring doorbell so i have proof a letter from that hoa. [laughter] >> that is my next guest, a few months ago she goes by the name verbal assessment and touring across the country, comedian, welcome back. >> thank you, i appreciate it. >> i like the fact that the camera didn't call you. it created more drama going back and forth over the last fauci so i knew you can ride the news and we didn't want to leave the witness solidify from center the
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stories you want to talk about? >> i won't swear, i promise. >> you of the top five stories, experts warning about ai, airlines began asking customers to weigh in, surpasses robert de niro, having a kid and 83 as opposed to 79 and pig posing in the shower read what would you like to choose? >> that's always talk about the amish, and b-uppercase-letter almost all the time and before you freak out, they are not watching. [laughter] everybody relax a little bit. it is a scam. i have a friend that has a property and they have an amish shed on the property because they have technology and internet and the computer and they asked them, it is a she shed for amish people. they have electric bikes now that they still don't pay taxes. i have to pay taxes, or not using the same technology as my 15-year-old. >> and they put it with gas
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because electric bikes should not be allowed. >> there's supposed to be like this. i'm catholic and we change the rules a lot so i understand. >> meanwhile, was the second? >> in new zealand. >> asked passengers to weigh in before they get on a flight. everybody, weigh their food, the pilots and everybody. >> i have, there's not a woman in the world gets weighed even a doctors without stripping completely naked will have only fans of the airport. [laughter] are not going to be there. i don't even go to nantucket anymore because they asked me to limassol from boston. i'll never see him as ". >> are you supposed to do it for 24 hours? you watch the movie. >> the last you chose, if i understand, is going to be.
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>> first of all, i love pink but she posted a picture of herself naked in the shower. when you think naked in the shower, she was outside her campus and she has the # embarrassing hmong. it's really not that nursing. you want it to be embarrassing, let's see me getting weighed at the new zealand airport. embarrassing is the morning drop off when the coffee is on the roof of the car and spilled down the side, my hair up in a bun, half of my classes in, that's embarrassing. >> so you are a real person and that's a superstar who wants to be like everybody else we are never going to buy that. we like the fact that she is got a world tour going and people like her husband. >> she is an aerial list. i had a hard time walking up the steps to set. >> she could hang from a
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trapeze. >> some people do eight kat dances, she's flying like a will end up over there, ridiculous. >> almost as if you are resentful. >> no. [laughter] i know what a will and it is, you understand why i am angry. >> indoor plumbing for someone like that. if we want to see in person, live in 15, the bank arena and the pnc field in pennsylvania and also new hampshire on the 18th, the 22nd in pennsylvania, this is near you and the broadway theater in new jersey and you book all this? >> apparently hates me. >> west virginia, the greatest people. a great month. thank you for stopping in new york city thank you very much and that came from the heart and i shower indoors. [laughter]
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popular quarterback he's seen, it wasn't on the football field. you know who that is, that's aaron rodgers kids. the dancing fox weather meteorologist here next for them mo if we want a more viable future for our kids, we need to find more sustainable ways of doing things. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars in new technologies and creating plastic products that are more recyclable. durable. and dependable. our goal is a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come. for a better tomorrow, we're focused on making plastics better today.
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our heritage is ingrained in our skin. and even when we metamorphosize into our new evolved form, we carry that spirit with us. because you can take alfa romeo out of italy. but you best believe, you can't take the italy out of an alfa romeo.
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will wrap it up, we now dancing weatherman himself, fox weather the urologist closure here see him on television some of the amazing dancing. >> you never know. i will use that intro for me everywhere. >> telling the truth about the
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weather, should we do some news? >> i am so excited to be here. things will go well, you think the hardest part is over, how about spelling diploma right? graduates at this school in illinois were gone when they found out the word graduate was spelled wrong in the soul of their diploma. it was spelled pat. >> how does that happen? >> i don't know but it's fun to say that way. i done graduate stated. >> i want to start spelling it saying it that way and put a position up. they manufactured supply, they issued an apology and taking full responsibly. refreshing and fun. >> i love to roast that person but i can't spell. someone told me to felt necessary in my life was on the
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line, i would call my wife and say we had a good run. one 100% chance of a full moon in this next story. a mom from wind took part in her daughter's sports day and the crowd gathered while she was in a race and face planted. >> wearing a city sundress. >> therefore unintentionally moving everyone. who was the result of this for her? >> hundreds of men have seen her on the internet and you could imagine, granted they were probably from dudes on the internet. she's taking it in stride, she says it's embarrassing but if you can't laugh at yourself and what's life about? i love her take, i think it's awesome. all of a sudden i don't know about you but i want to go home to a bunch of crowded events in schools. >> pta events. they seem to be having much more fun.
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next, if you ever play football in the summer in louisiana, you know how hot it's going to take. they are revealing the football helmets. look at this, the cooling technology by a local company called tiger air directly into their helmets and they charge five hours for the device can last up to four years. this is revolutionary. the players seem to like it. >> the players love it. they say it's amazing. the weather in the missing if they wear a visor on the helmet, will it fog of? they got air conditioning and now they will need the windshield wiper. this caught my eyes. what's the problem? one of most famous successful actors in america. let's do it. >> you know him as harrison ford, indiana jones, han solo. he's got some parenting progress
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as he admits he could have been a better parent as he celebrates his youngest son's graduation or graduate -- >> he was asked about it, he had a kid later in life, he reveal revealed, don't except my own, he went on to say to you, if i was less successful, and probably be a better parent. how do you feel about that lack of success has made us better parent in the long run. >> if lack of success makes you a good parent in my son is in the good hands. [laughter] talking about good hands, what about aaron rodgers? >> ever since he came to the jets, he's been making waves and headlines for his moves off the field. that's him out of taylor swift concert recently dancing the night away. self-proclaimed swiftly, all over tik tok and people have been showing videos of him during the old data step there.
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i don't know. >> i love he can relax like that. >> everyone staring at him and dancing. you're supposed to dance like nobody's watching. >> everybody's watching. >> it looks like he's in charge, by the way. >> you are an expert in dancing. how is he? >> that's exactly how i look, anytime people -- that took me four days, that's me on the le left. if i hadn't practiced anything, i would look just like him. this is good stuff. i'm not the only dancer, i don't want the line because i understand -- take that, aaron rodgers. how did you start doing this? >> our bosses in a former life as a former station on social media, i said fine, i'm going to dance in the studio people like
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to and i couldn't believe it is never danced before in my life so it's been a leader in wildlife. >> for now, that is all the time we have. that went quick. >> up next, share comments and questions, keep it here. you're watching one's nation and i know you won't (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging.
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>> right before we go, we asked
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us to write a zero is no monetary commitment one one nation .com paul writes is it convincing provided triage of the beverage at the budget next each line item in our group for america's to digest easy eye-ops he goes on break that ended simply because of the year 100 percent rating here is what you are right, feasibly this should be some production value, to these oval office addresses, and the same event president they gave them or even the state of the unions, and shall the people with the story is, how you plan to approach it and it the debate in make the barbecue, discussions, more insightful and next, mr. read says there's an empty stomach and some of the reported corruption of the fbi and elect outcome of the prosecution and the biden's treason back to the border to the chinese connections near constitution is avoiding the doj does not bring a drug congress is only talking blessing him they are making progress, watch what is james homers see how sincere he is in track all of the progress. he's only had a dropper few months, and already making great
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progress and there's no guarantee of the republicans will keep the house, so stay tuned and meanwhile, net of you came to us on instagram apparently lacking my she's asking comedy of pictures of my brown shoes with white souls and arctic a picture of these, i'm not sure that you like these, after your four versions, i give full credit to pete was the first real man to wear white soled shoes, and i thought he looked so cool, that in terms on the bandwagon and now everybody has them in if more executives, more presidents, they were the shoes like this, they would be less falling from trump, all the way to buy to because they really gripped the ground as we have today, thank you so much for watching us and keep in mind one nation .com to be part of it in social media, you can write us and we can follow me on twitter, facebook, instagram, keep in mind that it paid for my blue checkmark i know that's it for us tonight make sure that you watch fox and friends on sunday from succession on them at 869 catch mario show in my
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podcast, i'm live everyday from nine until noon eastern time a nuclear family of affiliates amongst our great guest and we have these guys, including the good-looking one darrell johnson sorry michael goodwin lawrence jones, he told me, that he is ready to go and so we will slowly zoom out in the music will come up and as soon as lawrence has been ready, he buttons his jacket and he starts to talk, i will leave and un ♪ ♪ o, say can you see by the dawn's early light -- ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming. ♪ whose broad stripes and bright starses through the perilous


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